Thursday, December 31, 2009
Top beauty mistakes to avoid in 2010.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Posted by Sun Shine at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Posted by Sun Shine at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Posted by Sun Shine at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry christmas.
Posted by Sun Shine at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Posted by Sun Shine at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Posted by Sun Shine at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
How are we so "different"?
If "different" is just a thing.
If we all have certain features,
What does "different" bring?
People filled with hatred,
Can't possibly see,
That there's not really "differences"
Between you and me.
Looks can't show "difference",
If they're just there to be seen.
If you don't look like someone else,
Why are they so mean?
If being "different" is what is wrong,
I'd rather not be right.
And I'd want to finish living,
Doing the "different" fight.
by Vincen Tabatha
Posted by Sun Shine at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Dream Girls Broadway Show.
OMG i must say this is the best show i ever saw, i have seen plenty of shows but never a broadway show. Dream girls is a must see, i swear its your money worth. To the cast i appualed them, they did an A M A Z I N G job. Thats one memory i will never forget in my senior days!
My friends & I at the play before we took our seats <3
Posted by Sun Shine at 11:03 AM 0 comments
I know i have totally been M.I.A
Well as you know school started, but we are on winter break. i know i haven't been updatediing my blog i have been busy looking for a job and forcing on my school. Anyway
my birthday is next month i will be 18 yes i will be grown ! I want to wish the aquarius out there an early happy birthday and enjoy yur self. Umm what else i went to see dream girls the broadway show last week it was TOTALLY GOOOD i will make a post about that soon. but umm yeah, leave some comments, i don't have 15 followers for nothing.!
Posted by Sun Shine at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
So today was a okay day, my college essay got approved by my english teacher, plus a classmate and another teacher. They all liked it, my friend even asked me can i do her's lls. She wild but you got love herrr.! lol Anyway today was drowsy, wet b/c its raining. and i feel like going to sleep right about now. So im going to end it here on a nice note saying. Goodnight lls. Holla. <3
Posted by Sun Shine at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Future Plans
Hey peeps.! Wow i havent updated in a while. I guess everyone bust eh? School im trying to get back on track. But thanksgiving holiday coming so a lil break there :).
But umm i thought i would share some one my future plans after high school? I plan to go here in the FALL 2010 for my nursing degree Plus my PHD yess im trying to make it in life. No left behinds, or lateness. I want to be on point and on top of my game.
Here's Time square which is in NEW YORK my birthplace and always be my home even if i was raised in baltimore. But i plan to move here after coolege, well once i find a job, a place and have my self settled. Im tired of baltimore time to start fresh after new york. Its me aganist the world and god put me here for a reason.
So as you can see i have a BIG plan heading my way and i plan to live it. The ups and downs, im going to ride it out all the way. Nobody can stop me unless i stop myself :) PLEASE ladies comment i would really like that.! <3
Posted by Sun Shine at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
Trey Songz- I Invented Sex
This video is the shit.! Straight panty dropperr!!!
Posted by Sun Shine at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I love her.
her voice is AMAZING please watch her videos.! Her Youtube
Posted by Sun Shine at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
New Boyz-Tie Me Down
Me Kind of like it. Rate me please :)
Posted by Sun Shine at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
I'm following her and NO updates..I know. Sooo as you can see SENIORS baby. and i have been totally busy doing in school things and outside things as well. Busy Busyyy! I barely go out on the weekends. Well i have dance practices after on monday & Thursday ONLY for this month bcuz im in my school PEP RALLY ayee Parkville lol. Anyway i dance at my community rec center, which we working on a dance to show the kids at our center. Ummm what else, I MIGHT HAVE A BOYFRIEND soon.! Gosh i been single for 2 years nowww.! So this could be a good look. && I might have pick him well, well my homegirl i give her the credit.! What else??! Im so hype son.! I don't know why. Oh yeah i have an fall concert coming up for dance so i been working on that at home. So really i been myspacing && FACEBOOKING on my phone most of the time. I only add people i know on facebook. But i do add people on myspace so its have a twitter which you can follow me twitter thing it on the page to the left / right of you lol.! So i hope this update get commentsss..MUCH love and HAIR grease <3
Posted by Sun Shine at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
☆PertMcFly☆ of the BakPakBoyz
His Music Page:
I know him personally, he mad cool and i'm lucky to have him as a friend.
Check him out and show love ladies.!!! && you see he sexyyyy!! lol
Posted by Sun Shine at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
.Life is a game
Posted by Sun Shine at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hey guys omg sorry i haven't been blogging lately. I started school, and i have been like totally tired lately. Um my senior eyar is going good so far, i like all my classes and my teachers. But um what y'all been up to lately? I know some of you started school. so how's that been?
Posted by Sun Shine at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
Real Name: Adam Michael Goldstein
Just a brief infor about him: was an American club disc jockey better known as DJ AM.
Rise & Sunset: (March 30, 1973 - August 28, 2009)
Send prayers out to his family and friends. He will always be remember as the best DJ in American Clubs.
Posted by Sun Shine at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
.So Kim & Reggie back together? Eh.!
August 21, 2009. It's official!! has learned that Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush are back together.
What happened? Well word is that Kim was putting some SERIOUS pressure on Reggie to get married.
But now, according to one of's most TRUSTED sources, she's decided to take a step back, give Reggie some space and "play her position." [that's an exact quote]
Gee … wonder what that position is - bench warmer???
Posted by Sun Shine at 7:38 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
.Camp Rock 2
Im totally ready for camp rock 2.
Im hoping it comes out. soon.!
Yay same cast and its the sequel to the
first one. if you haven't seen the first one.
you crap out of luck. go watch it..!!
Posted by Sun Shine at 11:39 PM 0 comments
.School year
Well im a senior in high school.! FINALLY. i have done
made it to the end. I been through drama, fights, two-faced
friends, cheating ass boyfriends, caring boyfriends. anything
you probably can name i been through. so for my senior year
i plan to keep my head in the books and focus on college. I
put an app in morgan state. All i have to do is file for fin. aid,
get my SATs scores up and get my transcripts :) Wish me luck
i hope i get in.! anyway i have a few things i would to happen.
First a job, makes a's & b's. do my best on my TEST & EXAMS,
stay out of trouble. go to homecoming, perform in homecoming.
do all my dance concerts. go to my senior ball and my senior
prom.. YEAH my school backwards lls. BUT i love it. so below
is a lil of the type of shoes i want to rock :)
Just a few Converses for now.
For the rain :)
For the snow :)
Now as in clothes. IDK i will just buy some cute and comfortable clothes :)
Posted by Sun Shine at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
.Pictures from the set of Pleasure P- Under
Okay i still can't wait until this come out.!
&& he pick a beautiful lady..Tia is so pretty.
&& funny his song playing on the raido while
im adding this lls.!
Posted by Sun Shine at 10:01 PM 3 comments
.Boog & Fizz
Stole it from my cuzzin blog lls. I kinda like the song..:)
Posted by Sun Shine at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Isuppory yungram.
A young 18 yearold trying to make it big.
I support music that i find that's good.
so his music page is:
&& his personal page
&& his twitter: :)
Posted by Sun Shine at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
New Boyz Performance at Venice Beach *The Rangers*
I love them.
Posted by Sun Shine at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
.Thought of the night.
When someone ruins a good friendship over something so dumb that can be solve, dont even worry about it. They will learn in the long run they missing out on a good friend and they would think they made a mistake. Always remember "you lose one friend, and gain another" just laugh it off & and go about your day. Goodnight loves. <3
Posted by Sun Shine at 12:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Heyyyy ma'am. You are a good friend and i wouldnt trade you for the world loser.!
Ready for college.
Posted by Sun Shine at 3:31 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
.&& She Gets The Kids
More at this link:
Im glad she got his kids. They need to be around family that have been there from day one.
Posted by Sun Shine at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 2, 2009
.My time
Its my time to shine? I guess so. so let me start by saying i adore everyone in my life. In life me have ups and downs and i know sometimes it gets out of hand but you have to realize everyone have worse problems than we do. Just be happy that you have friends and family to stick behind you 100%. So live for today, because tomorrow is never promised.
Posted by Sun Shine at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Nas Trippin....
Apparently Nas has a different view of his marriage with Kelis and her Milkshake:
“I heard that I was a cheater,” says Nas, who takes on a more determined tone when discussing the matter. “It almost sounds like I was a bad husband. Not to say I was the greatest—I’m not perfect in anything I do—but I think I deserve a fucking trophy. If I do say so myself, without sounding too cocky, I gotta say I was a hell of a husband and a hell of a dad.” On July 22, Kelis gave birth to the couple’s first child together, a boy named Knight Jones, after 67 hours of labour that she called “three of the longest, most painful days” of her life. TMZ reported that Nas waited outside during the delivery and saw the baby shortly after, despite being turned away from the hospital the night before for being drunk.
“It’s funny that someone would even care about some Nasir Jones shit,” says the MC, on the line from Atlantic City. “I’m still that kid from the block at the end of the day.… So when I watch this shit, it’s surreal. We get a good laugh off it and say, ‘Hey, they’re talking about me again and it’s some funny shit.’ ” Some of the “funny shit” that has made it onto celebrity gossip blogs includes rumours that he cheated on his wife of four years, singer Kelis Rogers—an allegation he denies. Fuel was splashed onto the flames on June 4, when the “Milkshake” singer, who filed for divorce in April, posted on Twitter a number of nameless but thinly veiled messages on infidelity, saying “all the scum bag coward husbands and the less then [sic] impressive sluts” deserve each other, and that the husband “is way more at fault”, though the women who partake are “stupid and pitiful”.
“It’s unfortunate when business is out there about your personal shit, especially when you’re really not the guy to be having his shit out there,” he says. “The sad thing is, you’ve got to get used to it. My skin is so thick that I probably need to write a book for people who are not ready for anything crazy.”
Wow, he’s denying that he even cheated at all…hmmm Nasir, we’re not sure if we believe that one.
Source: :)
Posted by Sun Shine at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Bow & Dj Jus :)
So im watching them live on ustream and i said what the heck PRINT SCREEN them :)
They are a damn mess.!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Sun Shine at 10:57 PM 4 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Text Message..
This is what i do on that phone everyday. Since my dad added my mother & brother to the family plan i can't really use my mins now i have to TEXT so thats what i do all day is text message [ha i got an text now] ugh just my homegirl sending me a random ass picture of a nigga. Any way but yeah thats my phone and that what i do son son :)
Posted by Sun Shine at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Remember that time..
When you thought you had that good man?
You thought your bestfriend was really you friend?
When you thought you were depressed and you didn't know why?
When you & your boyfriend had sex and he didn't wrap up because all were in the "moment"?
Every chance you get to think about these questions you never
get an straight answer. It's always excuse, or a block from you
expressing how you feel about your self or anymone else. Well,
what brings me to this is that i read people blogs and females
always express their self over little things. Not having a boyfriends,
or Not having your family support you on something you want to do. Sometimes
you have to stop everything you are doing and have some me time. Don't worry
what people may think of you, or may say about you. You are only human, and humans
make alot of mistakes. Examples:
Chris brown & rihanna
Steve Mcnair & his girlfriend
Nas & Kelis
Lil wayne , Lauran london & Nieva
The list can go on. Just relax and just think about you for a change.
Posted by Sun Shine at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tyler Perry New Movie "I can do bad all by myself"
Yessss he then done it again all.! Im def going to see this at the movies !
Posted by Sun Shine at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Chris Brown Apologizing To Rihanna
Wow. I forgive you chris. Every body makes mistakes yours was big but i forgive because you as a man knew what you did and you doing what you have to do to clear your name in the future. love you chris! I know rihanna better accpet it.
Posted by Sun Shine at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Ashley Stewart
Has the latest fashion for plus woman. I shop there and i love her clothes. Im glad there's a store for plus size females because it give us a chance to let these skinny heffa's know we got style as well..:)
Posted by Sun Shine at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Jerk Remix feat Romeo
Romeo Freestyling at 3am...who called him a Jerk??? Hmmmmmm lol
Posted by Sun Shine at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Blog babies! What all doing today?! Oh me im just going to chill its about to be a raining day in baltimore!
Im Official <3
Posted by Sun Shine at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
OKay today was aight day. Well i chilled in the house all day nothing worng with that. I have an suit case now which my aunt let me borrow for 2weeks while im at my cuzzins house. Umm my homegirl leaving me tonight ! She moving to flordia im so going to miss her so much. But i told her i'm only one phone call away and if she have any problems tell them trick where she from lmaoo. OH yeah i changed my page again! I think this may stay like this for awhile because everytime i change it my things on the side always gets deleted so im not fooling with this ish again. So im going to find some latest gossip and post it now.
Posted by Sun Shine at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
K Swift Water Safety Pt 1
Lmao at porkchop. But i think this is a good thing they doing. This was at patterson pool over east baltimore. Im waiting for part 2 now :)
Posted by Sun Shine at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Okay blog! My tummy really hurts bad! Ate to much today and plus i drunk some diet green ice tea! And you know green tea cleans you out! So you should know the rest from there! Like this bathroom is becoming my friend right about now! Omg help before i kill the BATHROOM!
Posted by Sun Shine at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Omg im sitting here watching the wayne brothers. They so funny but its a repeat lol. They need to come back out again! I miss them and marlon sexy! Oh yes. Hey i love mobile blogging!
Posted by Sun Shine at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Bowwow "Break it down"
When did shad g. moss start talking about his penis? mmhmm okay; i need to have proof your **** game is on point. GNR like he would say..
Posted by Sun Shine at 12:32 AM 0 comments
I will RAPE him :)
Romeo getting dressed in his hotel room in san diego (spelled that wrong) but he need an hair cut :(
Posted by Sun Shine at 12:29 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Topics of the past week.
I have been writing on topics on this message board. And i totally forgot i blog so i might as well just share my thoughts with my followers.
One day you won't wake up. The next day you won't realize that you are still not awake but your body is in movement. Fear no evil of the good times and bad times that you may have shared with a friend or loved one. You are alone when you are sleep because you only see darkness. You dream while sleep; it's your thoughts and no one could stop it from happening. Might say it don't might since right? Who care its just an diary. Day One. Let me know if you ready for Day Two?
Ha. Ha. When you think of soulmate you think of someone you going to be with forever right? Yeah i know BUT think again. Let me tell you; it's one person out there in this world hate seeing you be with someone that makes you happy. So they take matters into their own hands and messes up the relationship. Yeah and of course you going to blame that person? Yeah you can; but you also got to blame the so called soulmate because they fell for the trap and they knew who they belong to. Two wrongs don't make right; just let that person go and be about your mary way. There are plenty of fish and swans in the water that's waiting to be swimmed away. Follow your heart never your mind because sometimes the mind give you the wrong choice.
One morning you wake up. Only thing you see is black. You can't open your eyes; you can't move your body. Your body is very still and stiff. You can hear someone talking over you; but it's very low, very low for you to only hear bits of pieces of the words that are being spoken. You try to move every bone in your body. Your hand; feet; nose; ears; arm; and fingers. But nothing is happening to you. Only thing you can think of is "Am I dead?"
Bitch. What do the word bitch mean to you? From what i know it means "a four legged female dog". Umph when girl's say they a bad bad bitch, they ain't nothing but dogs; just like them triffling ass niggas. I'm not going to front me and my girls call each other bitchs. But sometimes it's how you use the word bitch. Example: when you cussing out your dude? you call him a bitch right? because that nigga acting like a bitch. When you wilding out some girl on the street you call her a bitch, because that's the first word that's on the tip of your tounge right? Yeah i know, i do the same damn thing. But always remember NEVER let a nigga call you bitch, because it's only showing you how damn weak he is and he trying to test you. Don't take the test because you might end up beating his ass into the damn ground.
I'm so damn tired of these people thinking i'm not going to do something if they step to me the wrong way. Have you ever been so tired you just let out a loud scream and everyone turns and look at you funny and wonder why you screaming so damn loud? Well i wouldn't know because i never did it before. Tiredness is what every hard working person say once they hit the house. "Omg i'm so tired" like shit i'm tired too. Just let me rest and leave me the HELL alone.
Posted by Sun Shine at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Chris Brown-Young Love
He could have done better. But he sound good.
Posted by Sun Shine at 11:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Game (Feat. Chris Brown, Diddy, Boys 2 Men, Polow Da Don & Mario Winans) - Better On The Other Side
I like it. They did a really good. R.I.P King of Pop...
Posted by Sun Shine at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Brandy Spits Her Full Rap For "Its My Party"
Oh ISH brandy an RAPPER !
Posted by Sun Shine at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Rye Rye (Feat. M.I.A.) - Bang
Okay rye rye i see you. but the video quality could have been better. and i see she did this down the DOXS lls.
Posted by Sun Shine at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Awww. Lauran London
Our sources have confirmed that Lauren London is expecting a boy:
She’s expecting a boy! She’s gained a little weight, but she’s basically just a stomach. She has a really pretty glow too. I spotted her at the salon.
Another boy…Weezy’s well on his way to rivaling the dude that has 29 kids. Damn.
Posted by Sun Shine at 10:23 PM 0 comments
OhNine is reallyy becoming the worest year by far. Like dang everybody dyingg. Whats up with that. You can't even go outside on your step without someone getting killed infront of your eyes. I never had that experience and i don't plan to see it either. This past week in baltimore a child by the age of 5 years old was shot in the head. I think she still fighting for her life; and i hope she make it through. Niggas/Females are well need to live for today, because tomorrow is never promise.
Posted by Sun Shine at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Posted by Sun Shine at 2:01 PM 0 comments